What is Azure SQL database?

Nazar Kvartalnyi
Written by
COO at Inoxoft, former .Net Software Engineer
Pub: Sep 28, 2021Upd: Feb 05, 2022

Azure SQL database is a part of Microsoft Azure cloud services, i.e. a PaaS cloud database.

It works by learning app patterns and adapting to these patterns. Using intelligence in such a way increases the performance, reliability, and security of the application’s data.

So, the main Azure SQL database benefits are:

  • constant learning of different app patterns, adaptation in performance, automatic improvements of app’s security and reliability
  • scaling per request
  • monitoring and management of an app with numerous users
  • usage of open source tools: cheetah, SQL-CLI, VS Code
  • usage of Microsoft tools: Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Management Portal, PowerShell, and REST APIs
  • data encryption, authentication, the limit of user access to certain data, ongoing monitoring to detect potential threats and record critical events


You can use the Azure SQL database in the following cases:

  • in cloud-based apps and websites relational data storage
  • in web and mobile apps for businesses and consumers
  • in multi-user apps managed databases
  • to speed up development immediately with dev and test databases
  • to have fast and at cost scaling of production business services
  • in isolation and security need of cloud data storage
  • to focus on what’s more important by the outsourcing database management

What is Azure SQL database?

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