What is cloud software development?

Nazar Kvartalnyi
Written by
COO at Inoxoft, former .Net Software Engineer
Pub: Oct 22, 2021Upd: Feb 05, 2022

Cloud software development is the process, where you can use tools and technologies that exist in the cloud to build and maintain your apps.

A cloud is a place, where computing resources, tools, and software solutions are stored and managed. Users can use these recourses (storage, servers, networking), tools (OS, runtime, middleware), and solutions (monitoring, analytics) per their own request and need.

What is cloud software development?

Features of Cloud Software Development

  • Cloud servers can be located anywhere in the world as they are remote data centers.
  • The third-party cloud technology provider is responsible for your comfort and for providing suitable cloud infrastructure.
  • Cloud servers require a fee per usage time only
  • The cloud can be accessed anywhere despite the location, time, and device you choose.
  • You can scale your apps anytime there is a need or additional client request as the cloud has the storage to fulfill this requirement.
  • Cloud software is a digital tool and there is no need to download or install it on your device.

What is cloud software development?

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