There are many ways to develop software. Some methods are universal for any type of software, but sometimes you need to choose unconventional decisions. Your expectations and the kind of software you are developing dictate the methods you are going to use. To make the development process as rewarding as possible, you need to take into consideration a lot of things.


Enterprise software development has undergone many changes. A lot of old methods are not used anymore, as they are substituted with new ones, which are more effective and transparent. All these new methods help the development process progress. Of course, trends also play a great role in software development. They are needed to have an understanding of what is in demand these days, and what can be omitted.


Yes, there is no universal way to develop software. However, industries are needed of creating a smart enterprise system. What is smart enterprise system? Enterprise systems are large-scale packages of software. They are able to control all the difficult business operations. With the help of it, decision-making is much easier and all the key solutions are automized. This guide will tell you everything you need to know about steps of creating a smart enterprise solution, main features of smart enterprise solution and cost of developing a smart enterprise solution. If you feel that you are interested, keep on reading!

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What Companies Need to Implement Smart Enterprise Systems?

Smart enterprise system development process is beneficial for many companies. A lot of industries are choosing smart enterprise system development, as it is the ultimate decision to enhance their productivity, automize all the crucial processes and help them remain relevant in the market. Let’s have a look at the companies that definitely need to implement smart enterprise systems to make their businesses thrive.


Smart enterprise systems in healthcare manage and control the end-to-end financial process and keep track of your business’ income and expenses. It also collects data and enables operations on the collected data. It gets much easier to optimize all the company’s resources and processes.

Real estate

Traditional real estate business processes can be substituted with automated ones, and smart enterprise system is a great helper here. Moreover, it boosts the productivity of employees and is a great motivation for them to come up with more creative ideas. All the important data can be held in one place and be accessible to anyone, which is really convenient.


Education industry really benefits from implementing smart enterprise system. The educational operating process becomes more efficient as a result. You can easily track the administrative process, attendance of students, curriculum management and so on. All the everyday activities are easier to manage.

enterprise software development process

7 Stages of Development Smart Enterprise System

Now you know that smart enterprise system is beneficial for a lot of companies. The next question is: how to build a smart enterprise system? How to develop a smart enterprise software? In general, there are seven stages of development a smart enterprise system. All these phases of creating a smart enterprise software should be carefully considered to receive a quality product at the end of the development process. Let’s take a look at how to start a smart enterprise software.

Requirement analysis

The first step of developing a smart enterprise system is requirement analysis. All the stakeholders and board members should come together and share their ideas on how the final product should look like. They should also discuss the operations that are required from software. It is needed to get an idea of the amount of money and effort that should be put into the development process.

Feasibility study

The second one of phases of creating a smart enterprise system is feasibility study. Put simply, it means creating documents on the basis of what is received from the first development step, requirement analysis. All the little details are being talked over and finalized. When all the preparational steps are over, the information is documented, so all the employees could own the same amount of information.


The next step is designing the software. The architecture of the software depends on the scope of the project. The design phase consists of two types which need to be considered.

  • High-level design. A name and a little description for every module should be chosen. The team must keep track of interface relationships and dependencies between modules. Database tables and architecture diagrams should be created. The functionality of every module must be checked.
  • Low-level design. The team must monitor the functional logic of modules, consider the types and size of database tables, thoroughly describe the interface and solve all the dependency issues.


The most difficult and long phase of development is, probably, coding. The data that was received in the previous steps should be turned into a code, according to the language the company chose. Each developer is given a module and should work on it individually. The responsibility of a project manager is to monitor the work of all the employees.


The software is developed – the next step is testing. QA engineers have to find all the possible bugs, errors and glitches in your software, so they all could be fixed. The software should undergo a lot of testing cycles, so the final product could be of a high quality. Some of these tests are:

  • Code Quality
  • Unit Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing


When the software is fully developed and tested, it is finally ready to be deployed. Automated deployment tools are really popular among some companies, as they allow them to give the automated go-ahead.


It’s important not only to develop a software and deploy it, but also to maintain it afterwards. The product should be regularly updated according to your clients’ needs. If the software is updated with up to date tools, it will be relevant in the market and interesting for potential customers.

benefits of enterprise software development

Challenges You Can Face with Creation an Enterprise System and How to Solve Them

Creating an enterprise system is beneficial and guarantees you good results. However, there are still challenges that you can face in the development process. Let’s look at some of the most common issues and their solutions.

Project management

To make sure that all processes are going according to plan, you need to have a perfect project management. It can be difficult to monitor all departments of your company.

Solution: To conquer this challenge, you need to set realistic expectations and time frames. It’s also important to provide a quality people management.

Project planning

Sometimes project planning is difficult, because there are often additional features that weren’t part of the plan. Also it’s not always easy to estimate time and budget.

Solution: Developing a realistic plan that involves possible changes in the process.

Data integration

Moving data into one database can be a real challenge. The information can be spread across the whole organization, which makes it harder to find it.

Solution: You can solve this issue with the help of well-planned data migration. Moreover, it’s a chance to get rid of all the outdated information.

Data quality

It’s not only essential to transport data into the  database, but to make sure that it’s of a high quality. Usually, there are a lot of duplicates and mistakes in documents.

Solution: Testing data can be time-consuming, but it’s definitely worth it. Divide the responsibilities between your employees to make the process faster and more resultative.

Change management

The implementation of smart enterprise system can be stressful for some employees. To handle new responsibilities, it’s vital to change some people’s schedule and work routine.

Solution: To get a successful implementation, you need to get buy-in from stakeholders and leadership. It would be good if your employees received some type of training and support before they got to work.

Cost overruns

It happens with smart enterprise projects that they require more costs than were expected at the beginning of implementation. This can be a real problem for a lot of companies.

Solution: To avoid situations like this, it’s preferable to count on a bigger budget. Include all the unexpected costs to not have unpleasant surprises later.

Continuous improvement

Maintenance is just as important as implementation. It’s crucial to keep your project on the same level after you implement it.

Solution: A periodic review is crucial to get the idea if the system is still of a high quality. Sometimes the project may need some innovations to stay relevant among the users.

What is the Cost of Smart Enterprise System Development?

Now you know all about the development of enterprise system and all the benefits it provides. One more thing you need to take into consideration is the cost. Of course, it depends on many different factors and can vary according to your needs. However, the implementation of smart enterprise system costs between $150 000 and $750 000.

When you are planning the cost of smart enterprise system, you need to take into account software licensing fees, additional server and hardware, testing, customization, data conversion and many other things. Considering all these aspects will help you estimate your budget and get an idea of what you expect from your product. There are also different models of smart enterprise systems, so you should choose which one suits your company best. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s good to discover all these nuances beforehand.

Consider Inoxoft Your Trusted Partner

Inoxoft is a software development company that offers top-notch services for clients all around the world. You can count on our devoted company to meet your business expectations, provide automized services and personalized experience.

Inoxoft provides artificial intelligence and machine learning development services and will tell you about all the benefits of smart enterprise system for logistic. We work using the latest technologies and our up to date solutions always leave our customers satisfied. Inoxoft’s top priority is its clients business needs, and we successfully meet all of them.

If you are looking for a reliable partner, our company is the ultimate option for you. Contact us, and we will help you develop and implement the best smart enterprise system!

Final Thoughts

Smart enterprise systems are beneficial for a lot of industries. Their development helps companies stay relevant in the market, enhance their productivity and automize processes. Smart enterprise systems are actively used by such industries as healthcare, education, real estate and so on. 

In general, there are seven steps of developing a smart enterprise solution. Following them, you will receive a quality final product. You can face some challenges in the development process, but there are ways to easily overcome them.

Now is the perfect time to discover new ways of developing software. If you want to make your company successful, it’s time to implement smart enterprise system!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main steps to develop a smart enterprise system

The main steps of developing a smart enterprise system are requirement analysis, feasibility study, design, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance.

What is the cost of developing a smart enterprise system?

The average price of smart enterprise system development is somewhere between $150 000 and $750 000. If you want to know more about smart enterprise system development, read the article!