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News & Events

Welcome to our News and Events page! Stay up-to-date with the latest happenings at Inoxoft. We are excited to share our journey with you. Explore our news articles and event highlights to discover our achievements, industry insights, and upcoming events. Join us as we celebrate milestones, share knowledge, and move forward into the future of technology together.
QA course graduation
January 2019

The QA courses are over, 8 students had got all the needed skills and successfully graduated. The best of them had even got a job in the Inoxoft.

Dubai trip

It is clear from Inoxoft policy that there is never too many trips. So we had started the year 2019 from breathtaking trip to Dubai. There will be much more adventures in the upcoming year, looking forward!

Soft skill marathon
January 2019

It is never too late to learn something new, that is why our managers often taking the possibility to learn something new. This time they have visited the soft skill marathon.